Saturday, 13 March 2010

Towpath Tidy 2010 is Great Fun!!

Thank you to all the staff of British Waterways who turned out to make the Lea River Towpath more lovely for all of us Hackney Wick residents!

Along with some local volunteers - the rails were repainted, litter picked up, junk lifted out of the Lea - and immense fun had by all.

Thanks British Waterways!!


Gustavo Montes de Oca said...

Your organisig seems really exciting at this time where there is so much potential to shape things. Big support.

Also if you want to talk about urban agriculture/ city farming, come talk to us.

Hackney City Farm

Trudi said...

Hey Sóna
Well done for getting rid of some of this rubbish. Sorry we couldn't stay too long, but the kids were getting a bit nippy, so had to keep on cycling.
The rails look great every time we pass by. Well done to everyone!